Book Chapters

  1. (fourth author, with Jiyoung Park, Peter Gordon, Yunkyung Kim, and Harry Richardson) “The Temporal Regional Economic Impacts of a Hurricane Disaster on Oil Refinery Operations: A FlexNEMO Approach,” Chapter 10 in Improving Homeland Security Decisions, Ali Abbas, Milind Tambe, and Detlof von Winterfeldt (eds.) Cambridge University Press: Cambridge (2017): 220-237.
  2. (second author, with Peter Gordon, Jiyoung Park, and Harry W. Richardson) “The Economic Impacts of International Border Closure: A State-by-State Analysis,” Chapter 12 in Global Business and the Terrorist Threat, Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon and James E. Moore, II (eds.) Edward Elgar Publishers: Cheltenham and Northampton (2009): 201-227. Presented at the Fourth Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) Symposium: Global Business and the Terrorist Threat, Los Angeles, August 17-18, 2007.
  3. (third author, with Qisheng Pan, Peter Gordon, and Harry W. Richardson) “Economic Impacts of Terrorist Attacks and Natural Disasters: Case Studies of Los Angeles and Houston,” in Geospatial Technologies and Homeland Security: Research Frontiers and Challenges, edited by David Z. Sui, Springer Verlag: New York (2008): 35-65.
  4. (third author, with Jiyoung Park, Peter Gordon, and Harry W. Richardson) “Estimating the Economic Impacts of WMD Attacks,” in WMD Terrorism: Science and Policy Choices, edited by Stephen M. Maurer and Christine Hartmann-Siantar, MIT Press: Cambridge (2009): 389-408.
  5. (second author, with Peter Gordon, Harry W. Richardson, and Qisheng Pan) “The Economic Effects of Highway Widening: Tolled Lanes vs. General Purpose Lanes – Using an Integrated Impact Model,” in Road Congestion Pricing: Lessons from Europe and Implications for the United States, edited by Harry W. Richardson and Christine Bae, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham and Northampton (2007): 342-356. Presented at the 44th Annual Meetings of the Western Regional Science Association (WRSA), San Diego, CA, February 23-25, 2005; and at Road Congestion Pricing in Europe: Implications for the United States, Churchill College, Cambridge University, May 6-7, 2006.
  6. (third author, with Jiyoung Park, Peter Gordon, Soojung Kim, Yunkyung Kim, and Harry W. Richardson) “Estimating the State-by-State Economic Impacts of Hurricane Katrina,” Chapter 10 in Natural Disaster Analysis After Hurricane Katrina: Risk Assessment, Economic Impacts and Social Implications, edited by Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon, and James E. Moore, II, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham and Northampton (2008): 147-186. Presented at the Third Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) Symposium: Economic and Risk Assessment of Hurricane Katrina, Los Angeles, August 18-19, 2006.
  7. (third author, with H. W. Richardson, P. Gordon, J. Park and Q. Pan) “The Economic Impacts of Alternative Terrorist Attacks on the Twin Ports of Los Angeles-Long Beach,” in Risking House and Home: Disasters, Cities, and Public Policy, edited by John Quigley and Larry A. Rosenthal, University of California Press, Berkeley (2008): 173-196. Presented at the Berkeley Symposium on Real Estate, Catastrophic Risk, and Public Policy, UC Berkeley, March 22-23, 2006.
  8. (third author, with Jiyoung Park, Peter Gordon, and Harry W. Richardson) “Simulating the State-by-State Effects of Terrorist Attacks on Three Major U.S. Ports: Applying NIEMO (National Interstate Economic Model),” in The Economic Costs and Consequences of Terrorism, edited by Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon, and James E. Moore, II,  Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham and Northampton (2007): 208-234.  Presented at the Second Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) Symposium on the Economic Cost and Consequences of a Terrorist Attack, Los Angeles, August 19, 2005; and the National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research (METRANS) National Urban Freight Conference, Long Beach, February 3, 2006.
  9. (third author, with Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon, Soojung Kim, Jiyoung Park, and Qisheng Pan) “Tourism and Terrorism: The National and Interregional Economic Impacts of Attacks on Major U.S. Theme Parks,” The Economic Costs and Consequences of Terrorism, edited by Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon, and James E. Moore, II, Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham and Northampton (2007): 235-253.  Presented at the Second Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) Symposium on the Economic Cost and Consequences of a Terrorist Attack, Los Angeles, August 20, 2005.
  10. (second author, with Jose Borrero, Sungbin Cho, and Costas Synolakis) “Natural Disasters and California: The Regional Economic Cost of a Tsunami Wave Generated by the Palos Verdes Slide,” Infrastructure risk Management Processes: Natural, Accidental, and Deliberate Hazards, ASCE Council on Disaster Risk Manage-ment Monograph No. 1, May, 2005, edited by Craig Taylor and Erik VanMarcke (2006): 67-94.  Presented at the Workshop on Acceptable Risk Processes for Natural and Manmade Hazards Affecting Lifelines, American Society of Civil Engineers Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering Sixth U.S. Conference and Workshop on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, Long Beach, August 10-13, 2003; and the 2005 Annual ASCE Civil Engineering Conference Next Generation Infrastructure: Projects that Create the Future, Los Angeles, October 27-29, 2005.
  11. (second author, with Peter Gordon, Harry W. Richardson, and Qisheng Pan) “The Costs of a Terrorist Attack on Terminal Island at the Twin Ports of Los Angeles-Long Beach,” in Protecting the Nation’s Seaports: Balancing Cost and Security, edited by Jon D. Haveman and Howard J. Shatz. Public Policy Institute of California: San Francisco (2005): 33-56.  Presented at the 4th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering:  The Role of Supply Chains in Industrial Engineering (Keynote presentation), San Francisco, November 14, 2004; and the Public Policy Institute of California Symposium on Protecting the Nation’s Seaports, San Francisco, January 21, 2005.
  12. (second author, with Peter Gordon, Harry W. Richardson and Qisheng Pan) “The Economic Impact of a Terrorist Attack on the Twin Ports of Los Angeles-Long Beach,” also “Introduction,” in The Economic Impacts of Terrorist Attacks, edited by Harry W. Richardson, Peter Gordon, and James E. Moore, II. Edward Elgar Publishing: Northampton (2005): 262-285.  Presented at the First Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) Symposium on the Economic Cost and Consequences of a Terrorist Attack, Los Angeles, August 21, 2004; and the CREATE Center Conference on Reducing the Costs and Consequences of Terrorism, November 18, 2004 Los Angeles.
  13. (second and principal author, with Peter Gordon, Harry Richardson, Masanobu Shinozuka, Donghwan An, and Sungbin Cho) “Earthquake Disaster Mitigation for Urban Transportation Systems: An Integrated Methodology that Builds on the Kobe and Northridge Experiences,” in Spatial and Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters, edited by Yasuhide Okuyama and Stephanie E. Chang. Springer Verlag:  New York (2004):  205-232.  Presented at the Monbu-Kagaku-sho / National Science Foundation Japan-U.S. Workshop on Disaster Risk Management for Urban Infrastructure Systems, Campus Plaza, Kyoto, Japan, May 14–16, 2001; and the U.S.-Japan Comparative Research on Urban Earthquake Disaster Mitigation, University of Washington, Seattle, August 15–16, 2001.
  14. (first and co-author, with Peter Gordon and Harry Richardson) “Spatial Decentralization Trends in the United States,” Chapter 3 in Suburbanization and Housing Development. Edited by Hee-Soo Chung and Dong-Sung Lee.  Korea Housing Institute: Seoul (1998):  85-108.  Presented at the International Workshop on Suburbanization and Housing Development, Seoul, Korea, June 20-21, 1997.
  15. (second and principal author, with Jong-Gook Seo and Peter Gordon) “A Sequential Land Use / Transportation Model with Externalities: Linking the Dynamics of Regional Economic Growth and Urban Spatial Structure.” Chapter 19 in Transport, Land Use, and the Environment.  Edited by Yoshitsugu Hiayashi and John R. Roy.  Kluwer: Norwell, MA (1995):  383-411.  Presented at the World Conference on Transportation Research Special Interest Group 1 (Land Use and Transport) Meetings on Environmental Challenges in Land Use Transport Coordination, Blackheath, New South Wales, Austrailia, 1993; and in revised form at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Western Regional Science Association, Tuscon, 1994.
  16. (second and co-author, with Eric Heikkila and T. John Kim) “Future Directions for EGIS: Applications to Land Use and Transportation Planning.” Chapter 14 in Expert Systems:  Applications to Urban Planning. Edited by T. John Kim, Lyna L. Wiggins, and Jeff Wright.  Springer-Verlag:  New York (1989):  225-240.  Presented at the 36th North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association, Santa Barbara, 1989.