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- (with Jiyoung Park as a consultant) “The Environmental and Economic Impacts of Moorage Marinas on the West Coast,” Funded by Seagrant, 2014-2018, $149,886.
- (with Maged Dessouky, Najmedin Meshkati, Greg Placencia, Ubli Mitra, and Petros Ioannou) “Technical and Safety Evaluation of the Southern California Regional Rail Authority Positive Train Control Deployment Project,” funded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), 2011-2017, $979,864 (includes an $80,000 cost extension in 2015).
- (with Richard Callahan-PI) “Transportation Education Development Pilot Program (TEDPP)” Subcontract to California State University Long Beach (CSULB), funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 2008, $226,887.
2012 $ 7,824 (Year 5)
2011 $62,590 (Year 4)
2010 $62,590 (Year 3)
2009 $62,590 (Year 2)
2008 $31,295 (Year 1)
- (with Maged Dessouky-PI, Alejandro Toriello; and Jiyoung Park and Qisheng Pan as consultants), “Evaluation of Transportation Practices in the California Cut Flower Industry,” Funded by the California Cut Flower Commission, 2011, $100,000.
- (as a faculty associate with Genevieve Giuliano-PI) ” Assessment Support for the San Jose ATN: California Automate Transit Network (ATN) Research Collaboration.” Funded by The Aerospace Corporation, 2011, $86,000.
- (with Peter Gordon-PI and Harry Richardson; and Jiyoung Park and Qisheng Pan as consultants) ” Freight Shipments, Greenhouse Gases and Polluting Emissions: Implications for California and the US.” Funded by the National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research (METRANS), 2010, Project 11-03, $89,312.
- (with Peter Gordon-PI and Harry Richardson, and Qisheng Pan as a consultant) “Towards Peak Pricing in Metropolitan Areas: Modeling Network and Activity Impacts.” Funded by the National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research (METRANS), 2009, Project 10-03, $90,000.
- (with Adam Rose, Peter Gordon, and Harry Richardson; and Jiyoung Park as consultants) “2009 Influenza A H1N1 Pandemic, Response to: REFP 35399 Task 4” Funded by the Department of Homeland Security through Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), 2009, $25,000.
- (with Peter Gordon and Harry Richardson) “Economic and Societal Impact Modeling,” Funded by the Department of Homeland Security through the Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE).
2009 $143,673 (Year 6)
2008 $168,660 (Year 5)
2007 $213,682 (Year 4)
Funded by the Department of Homeland Security through the Office of Naval Research and the Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE).
2006 $288,452 (Year 3)
2005 $282,796 (Year 2)
2004 $232,000 (Year 1)
- (with J.P. Bardet-PI and Petros Ioannou; and Stu Werner, Sungbin Cho, and Jiyoung Park as consultants) “Risks and Recoveries from Extreme Disruptions in Freight Transportation System in a Megacity: Case Study for the Greater Los Angeles Area.” Funded by the National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research (METRANS), 2008, Project 09-29, $90,000.
- (with Adam Rose-PI, Peter Gordon-PI and Harry W. Richardson) Advances in Modeling Economic Resilience. Funded by the Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory for the Department of Homeland Security Integrated National Centers (INC) Program, 2007-2008, $100,000 (Full award 2008-2010, $750,000, also with Kerry Smith, Carol Mansfield, Joshua Epstein, Bruce McCarl, Hamid Mohtadi, and Robert Greenbaum).
- (with Peter Gordon-PI and Harry W. Richardson) “Macroeconomic Analysis of a Shutdown of the US Border to Goods, Travel, and Migration.” Funded by the Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2007, $50,000.
- (as a faculty associate with Detlof von Winterfeldt-PI, Adam Rose, Peter Gordon, Harry W. Richardson, and Bumsoo Lee) “Support for Risk and Economic Analysis for the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC).” Funded by the Battelle National Biodefense Institute for the Department of Homeland Security, 2007, $650,000.
- (with Peter Gordon-PI, and Harry W. Richardson) “Study of Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan.” Subcontract to the Rand Corporation, 2006, $100,000.
- (with Harry W. Richardson-PI, and Peter Gordon) “Adding A Freight Network to an Interstate Input – Output Model: Implications for California.” Funded by the National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research (METRANS), 2006, Project 07-19, $89,000.
- (with Yueyue Fan of UC Davis) “Transportation Network Decision Heuristics for Mitigation Prior to a Large Metropolitan Earthquake.” Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) consortium, headquartered at the University of California, Berkeley, 2004, $72,000 USC, $127,000 total.
- (with Harry W. Richardson-PI, and Peter Gordon) “What can we Learn from CTPP 2000?Neighborhood Attributes, Commuting Behavior and Jobs-Housing Balance: A Comparative 1990-2000 Study Across California’s Major Metropolitan Areas.” Funded by the National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research (METRANS), 2004, Project 04-13, $75,000.
- (with Le Dam Hanh) “Landside Surface Transportation Impact of Short Sea Shipping in Southern California,” Funded by the California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Metropolitan Research (METRANS), 2004, Project 04-04, $75,000.
- (with Yueyue Fan of UC Davis) “Quantifying Economic Losses from Travel Foregone Following a Large Metropolitan Earthquake.” Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) consortium, headquartered at the University of California, Berkeley, 2004, $52,000 USC, $70,000 total.
- “Improved Modeling of Network Transportation Flows, Including Land Use – Transportation Interactions: A Research Collaboration Between USC (METRANS) and Caltrans District 7 (Office of Advance Planning).” Funded by the California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Metropolitan Research (METRANS), 2003, Project 03-23, $90,000.
- (with Peter Gordon and Harry W. Richardson) “Neighborhood Attributes and Commuting Behavior: Transit Choice.” Funded by the California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Metropolitan Research (METRANS), 2003, Project 03-20, $90,000.
- (with Peter Gordon and Harry W. Richardson) “Measuring California’s Role in Supporting Interstate Goods Movement: Comprehensive Assessment of Interstate Freight Flows.” Funded by the California Department of Transportation through the National Center for Metropolitan Research (METRANS), 2003, Project 03-19, $90,000.
- “Technical Support for the Caltrans REDARS Demonstration Project.” Funded by the California Department of Transportation. $6,000. This is part of a collaborative project with Stuart Werner of Seismic Systems and Engineering Consultants, Craig Taylor of Natural Hazards Management, Inc., Prof. M. Shinozuka of UC Irvine, and others.
2005 $13,448
2004 $26,113
2003 $25,353
- (with Peter Gordon, Harry W. Richardson, and John Kuprenas) “An Economic Impact Evaluation of Proposed Storm Water Treatment for Los Angeles County.” Funded by a consortium of 55 cities in the Los Angeles Area, City of Bellflower acting as fiscal agent, 2002, $100,000.
- “Seismic Hazard Simulation of Bay Area Highway Network Transportation Analysis.” This is a continuation of the multi year project “Seismic Risk Model for a Designated Highway System,” funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER)consortium, headquartered at the University of California, Berkeley, 2002, $70,000 (California Department of Transportation)
- (with M. Shinozuka, W. Petak, and D. Von Winterfeld) “Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems (ICIS).” Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through the Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems (ICIS) consortium, headquartered at New York University.
2002 $51,000
2001 $80,000
2000 $80,000
1999 $80,000
1998 $80,000
This is the USC portion of a multi-year consortium effort also New York University, Cornell University, and Polytechnic University, and totaling $5,000,000.
(with Peter Gordon, Harry W. Richardson, and Christopher Williams) “The Economic Effects of Highway Widening: Tolled Lanes vs. General Purpose Lanes – Using an Integrated Impact Model,” Funded by the National Center for Metropolitan Transportation Research (METRANS), 2001, Project 01-14, $100,000.
- “Seismic Risk Model for a Designated Highway System.” Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) consortium, headquartered at the University of California, Berkeley. yr4_research/ta1/1041999b.html
2001 $44,998 (NSF)
2000 $29,985 (Caltrans)
1999 $49,962 (NSF)
1998 $49,982 (Caltrans)
This is the USC portion of a multi-year consortium effort involving Anne Kiremidjian, Samuel Chi, and Stephanie King of Stanford University, and totaling $536,000 in a combination of NSF and Caltrans funds.
- (with Randolph Hall-PI, Genevieve Giuliano, Petros Ioannou, and Elliot Axelband) “METRANS National Center for Metropolitan Research.” Funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation under the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century. This is the USC portion of a multi-year consortium effort also involving Dean J. Richard Williams, Dan Barber, Rod Grimm, Forrest Harding, and Mary Anne Venieris of California State University at Long Beach, and totaling $1,460,000 in federal funds between 1998 and 2001 ($1,600,000 authorized).
- (with Randolph Hall-PI, Genevieve Giuliano, Petros Ioannou, and Elliot Axelband) “MOU Between the California Department of Transportation and the University of Southern California for Cooperation of Transportation Research.” Matching funds provided by the California State Legislature through the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). This is the USC portion of a multi-year consortium effort also involving J. Richard Williams, Dan Barber, Rod Grimm, Forrest Harding, and Mary Anne Venieris of California State University at Long Beach, and totaling $1,460,000in State matching funds between 1998 and 2001.
- (with Peter Gordon, Harry Richardson, and Chris Williamson) “Preparation of an Economic Impact Assessment.” Funded by the I-5 Consortium Cities Joint Powers Authority, 2001. $125,000. This project was begun and then placed on hold pending Caltrans changes to the I-5 Corridor Improvement Project. Only partial funds have been disbursed.
- (with Peter Gordon, Harry Richardson, and Costas Synolakis) “Natural Disasters and California: Who are the Most Likely Victims?” Funded by the University of Southern California through the Zumberge Research Innovation Fund, 2000. $40,000.
- (with Peter Gordon, and Harry Richardson) “State of the Art Report: Regional Economic Models.” Funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), headquartered at the University of California, Berkeley, 2000. $20,000.
- (with Peter Gordon, and Harry Richardson) “Economic Engineering Integrated Models of Earthquake Risk Mitigation Strategies.” Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), headquartered at the University of California, Berkeley.
2000 $50,000 (California Department of Transportation)
1999 $64,900 (Caltrans)
1998 $75,000 (National Science Foundation)
This is the USC portion of a multi-year consortium effort involving Alfredo Ang of the University of California, Irvine, and totaling $250,000.
- (with Peter Gordon, Harry Richardson, and Stephanie Chang, in collaboration with Norio Okada, Hiroyuki Kameda, N. Nojima, and H. Tatano) “Earthquake Disaster Mitigation for Urban Transportation Systems: An Integrated Methodology that Builds on the Kobe and Northridge Experiences.” Award 9812503 funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Civil and Mechanical Systems, Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Program.
2000 $80,866
1999 $78,334
1998 $76,132
This is the USC portion of a multi-year consortium effort also involving Stephanie E. Chang of Washington University in collaboration with Norio Okada, Hiroyuki Kameda, N. Nojima, and H. Tatano of Kyoto University, and totaling $386,144 in US funds.
- (with Robert Poole) “Improving Ground Access to the Los Angeles International Airport.” Funded by Los Angeles World Airports and the Reason Foundation, 2000. $37,000.
- (with Genevieve Giuliano) “Metro Freeway Service Patrol Impact on Freeway Accidents.” Funded by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), 1999. $76,984.
- “Seismic Vulnerability of the Highway System,Year 1.” A subcontract with Seismic Systems and Engineering Consultants under the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) response to DOT Solicitation Number DTFH61-98-R-00094, 1999. $11,200.
- “System Analysis Procedures for Seismic Risk Analysis of Highway Transportation Systems,” A subcontract with Seismic Systems and Engineering Consultants under Task 106 E-7.3.1 of the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER) Highway Project.
1999 $ 7,200 Federal Highway Administration)
1998 $15,000 (FHWA)
1997 $13,000 (FHWA)
1996 $ 8,000 (FHWA)
- “University of Southern California/California State University Cooperative Agreement with Respect to the Services of James Moore.” Funded by the California State Library, 1998. $40,000.
- (with Masanobu Shinozuka, Peter Gordon, Harry Richardson) “The Socio-Economic Impacts of the Big One.” Funded by the Southern California Studies Center, 1998. $23,448.
- (with Joe Devinny, Jennifer Wolch, Sheldon Kamieniecki, Theo Tsotis, A. Michaels, Thomas Henye, Linwood Pendleton, Laura Pulido, Masanobu Shinozuka, and Naj Meshkati) “Creating Sustainable Urban Environments for the 21st Century: A Program for Stimulating Interdisciplinary Environmental Research in Sciences, Policy and Engineering.” Funded by the University of Southern California through the Southern California Studies Center, 1998. $24,986.
- (with Genevieve Giuliano) “Evaluation of the San Gabriel Valley Smart Shuttle Field Operational Test. ” Funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Partnership for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), MOU 340, 1998-2000. $319,507.
- (as a Senior Investigator, with M.S. Agbabian, S.F. Masri, M. Shinozuka, and approximately 10 others) “Development, Evaluation, Implementation, of Standards for Seismic Mitigation Measures for Nonstructural
- Components in Hospitals and Critical Care Facilities.” Funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, 1997. $3,989,142.
- (with JC Park) “Synthesis of Analytical Practice in Major Investment Planning (Management Information Systems).” Eisenhower fellowship funded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), 1997. $ 38,337.
- (with Genevieve Giuliano) “Public Transportation Services in Low Income Communities: A Case Study.” Funded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), 1997. $30,000.
- “Holiday Incident and Accident Duration Data Collected in to Support the Partnership for Advanced Transit and Highway’s Evaluation of the Los Angeles Freeway Service Patrol.” Funded by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), 1997. $12,665.
- (with Tom Rubin) “Transit Paper Series Project.” A subcontract with the Reason Foundation to undertake research funded by the James Irvine Foundation, 1996. $25,000.
- (with Randolph Hall) “Use of Los Angeles Freeway Service Patrol Vehicles as Probe Vehicles.” Funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Partnership for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), MOUs 282 and 347, 1996. $99,999.
- (with Gen Giuliano) “Evaluation of Project ATHENA.” Funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Partnership for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), MOU 260, 1996. $149,000.
- “Developing an Evaluation Plan for the Los Angeles Freeway Service Patrol.” Funded by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), 1996. $32,190.
- (with Masanobu Shinozuka, William Petak, and Peter Gordon) “Effect of Earthquakes on Urban Highway Infrastructure Productivity.” Award 9633386 funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Division of Civil and Mechanical Systems, Earthquake Hazards Mitigation Program, 1996. $399,388.
- (with Gen Giuliano) “Evaluation of (Phase III of) the Caltrans Automated Transit Pass / SMART Card Demonstration (User and System Impacts).” Funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Partnership for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), MOU 65V313-7, 1995. $184,267.
- (with Gen Giuliano) “Evaluation of (Phase II of) the Caltrans Automated Transit Pass / SMART Card Demonstration (User and System Impacts).” Funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Partnership for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), 1994. $ 60,000.
- “Evaluation of the Anaheim Advanced Traffic Control System, a Federal Highway Administration Intelligent Vehicle Highway System Field Operational Test.” Funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Partnership for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), MOU 65V313-4, 1993. $49,061.
- “Evaluation of the Irvine Integrated Traffic Control System, a Federal Highway Administration Intelligent Vehicle Highway System Field Operational Test.” Funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Partnership for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), MOU 65V313-5, 1993. $83,645.
- “Evaluating System ATMIS Technologies via Rapid Estimation of Network Flows.” Funded by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) through the Partnership for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH), MOUs 120 and 212, 1993. $99,891.
- “Rapid Estimation of Transportation System Performance Under Congestion Tolls.” Funded by the University of Southern California through the James H. Zumberge Faculty Research and Innovation Fund, 1993. $10,000.
- “Extending the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s Regional Clean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) to Include Nonstationary Sources of Pollution.” Funded by the John Randolf Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation, Los Angeles, 1993. $8,000.
- (as a Faculty Associate with Jennifer Wolch, Michael Dear, and William Baer) “A Geographic Model of Homelessness.” Funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Geography and Regional Science Program, 1990.
- “A Stochastic Process Model of Filtering in the Housing Market: An Improved Predictive Procedure.” Funded by the John Randolf Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation, Los Angeles, 1989. $ 8,000.
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Travel Grant to attend the 2nd International Conference for Comparative Human Settlements, Shanghai, PRC (conference cancelled due to political unrest); and the 11th Meetings of the Pacific Regional Science Association, Singapore, 1989.
- (with Alex Anas and Richard Arnott) “A Comprehensive Housing Land Use Model for Evaluating Housing Rehabilitation Programs.” Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1987. $135,000.
- National Science Foundation (NSF) Travel Grant to attend the 1st International Conference for Planning Human Settlements, Shanghai, PRC; and the 10th Meetings of the Pacific Regional Science Association, Pusan, ROK, 1987.
- “Extending Linearized, Optimally Configured Urban Systems Models.” Funded by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Urbana, IL; and the National Science Foundation, 1986.