Opinion Pieces

  1. (second author, with Thomas A. Rubin) “Measure M and Metro’s Other Funding Shortfalls,” Guest Commentary, Los Angeles Daily News, January 6, 2018, p Opinion-A19. Long Beach Press Telegram, Daily Breeze, Whittier Daily News, Pasadena Star News, January 5, 2018.
  2. (first author, with Thomas A. Rubin) “Metro: Make Riders, Not Rail, the Priority,” Los Angeles Times, Opinion, November 10, 2017, p A11.
  3. “Campus Policies Need Reform in California,” Guest Commentary, Los Angeles Daily News, Opinion: Sexual Violence Cases, September 17, 2017, p A23. Daily Breeze, September 17, 2017.
  4. “Faculty Who Live Among Students,” Inside Higher Education, Career Advice, May 31, 2017. Through 26 years serving as a residence hall advisor, James E. Moore II discovered there are many ways to right by the students with whom we live. https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2017/05/31/faculty-member-recalls-his-26-years-undergraduate-residence-hall-essay
  5. “College Rules Punish Innocent as Well as Guilty,” Guest Commentary, Orange County Registrar, May 4, 2017.
  6. “Why Trump is Right to Question Research Funding,” Guest Commentary, Los Angeles Daily News, March 29, 2017, p. A8; Long Beach Press Telegram, Daily Breeze, Pasadena Star News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, San Bernardino Sun, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Redlands Daily Facts, Whittier Daily News, March 28, 2017.
  7. “Why ‘Sanctuary’ Campuses Are Fooling Themselves: Guest Commentary,” Los Angeles Daily News, Long Beach Press Telegram, Daily Breeze, December 16, 2016; Press Enterprise, Opinion, December 23, 2016.
    “University Campuses will not Become Sanctuaries for the Undocumented,” Orange County Register, Opinion, December 16, 2016.
  8. (second author, with Giselle Ragusa) “Common Denominators of Learning,” American Society for Engineering Education PRISM, 26 (1), Last Word, September, 2016, 68.
  9. (first author, with Tom Rubin), “Don’t Let County Taxpayers Get Railroaded,” Guest Commentary, Los Angeles Daily News, Opinion, June 23, 2016, A10; Long Beach Press Telegram and Pasadena Star News, June 22, 2016.
  10. “Close the 710 Gap. Now,” Los Angeles Times, Op-Ed, November 24, 2015, A11.
  11. (second author, with Allen Soyster), “Name Recognition: Why Adding ‘Systems’ to the Institute’s Name is Worthwhile,” Industrial Engineer, 47 (11) November, 2015, 31-33.
  12. “The Ins and Outs of Industrial and System Engineering: IIE President James E. Moore Talks About Industrial Engineering in Today’s Context and the Opportunities it Presents for Students,” Industrial Engineer, 47 (7) July, 2015, 30-33.
  13. (second author, with Najmedin Meshkati), “Metro Train Lines Need Better Intersection Safety Design,” Guest Commentary, Los Angeles Daily News, Op-Ed, April 5, 2015, A21; Long Beach Press Telegram, April 3, 2015.
  14. (first and principal author, with Louise Yates) “Silver Bullets of Retention,” American Society for Engineering Education PRISM, Last Word, 21 (9) Summer, 2012, 64.
  15. “Finish the 710 Freeway,” Los Angeles Times, Op-Ed, July 29, 2011, A19.
  16. (first and principal author, with Nat Read), “Pain of a Highway Long Unfinished,” Engineering News Record, Viewpoint: ‘Carmageddon’ Every Day, 267 (3), July 25, 2011, 60.
  17. “Off the Rails: Federal Funds are Drying Up for California’s Project, and That’s a Good Thing,” Los Angeles Times, Op-Ed, April 25, 2011, A11.
  18. “Weakest Metrolink,” Los Angeles Times, Opinion, October 10, 2008, A27.
  19. (second and principal author, with Peter Gordon and Tom Rubin) “Rail Lines a Lousy Deal for This Congested City,” Los Angeles Daily News, Local View, August 15, 2008, A23.
  20. (first and principal author, with Tom Rubin) “Train Wreck,” Los Angeles Times, Opinion (formerly Current), January 13, 2008, M5.
  21. “Something to Ponder While You’re Parked on the 101: End the MTA’s Monopoly,” The Los Angeles Times, Opinion (formerly Current), April 15, 2007, M6.
  22. “Bullet Trains Won’t Get Us Anywhere,” The Los Angeles Times, Current (formerly Opinion), February 11, 2007, M2.
  23. (second and principal author, with Peter Gordon and Tom Rubin) “Rail Wrong Way: LA’s System Costs More than it Saves,” Los Angeles Daily News, Sunday Viewpoint, February 5, 2006, 1.
  24. “Take the Boot Off Private Transit,” Los Angeles Times, Opinion, April 17, 2005, M3.
  25. “Warning Signals,” Los Angeles Daily News, Sunday Viewpoint (Local View), February 6, 2005, 1.
  26. (first author, with Peter Gordon) “Tax Hikes for the MTA Must be Stopped,” Los Angeles Daily News, Their Opinion, October 1, 2003, 9.
  27. “Gold Line is Just Glitter,” Los Angeles Times, Opinion, August 3, 2003, M5.
  28. (first and principal author, with Peter Gordon, Harry Richardson, John Kuprenas, and J.J. Lee) “The Limits of Storm-water Treatment,” Long Beach Press Telegram, Sunday Forum, April 27, 2003, A21.
  29. (first author, with Peter Gordon) “There’s a Price to Being Clean,” Orange County Register, Commentary, February 9, 2003, 2.
  30. “High Speed Rail: Epic Boondoggle,” San Jose Mercury News, Opinion, June 18, 2002, 6B.
  31. “A Tribute to My Friend Daniel Pearl,” California Patriot, Reflection, 3 (March, 2002 – Anti-Felony Issue):  6.
  32. “Let’s Derail U.S. Maglev Plans,” Engineering News Record, Viewpoint: Transportation Funding, 246 (8), February 26, 2001, 99
  33. New Routes to Making Los Angeles an MTA-Free Zone,” Los Angeles Times, Opinion: The State, October 15, 2000, M6
  34. (principal author, with Peter Gordon) “Two Sides of the Track: The Numbers for Urban Rail Transit Just Don’t Add Up,” Orange County Register, Commentary, September 19, 1999, 4.
  35. (principal author, with Peter Gordon) “The MTA’s Obsession with Rail Knows No Bounds,” Los Angeles Times, Opinion: The State, July 25, 1999, M6.
  36. “Fixing our Transit Systems: Decentralized contract operations might serve the Customer Better,” Los Angeles Daily News, Opinions, March 19, 1999.
  37. (principal author, with Robert Poole) “The Future of L. A. Transit Just Might be via the Bus,” Los Angeles Times, Opinion: The State, August 30, 1998, M6.
  38. (principal author, with Stanley Rosen) “Let’s Help the Students, not Just the Schools,” Orange County Register, California Focus, June 29, 1998.
  39. (first author, with Peter Gordon and Harry W. Richardson) “The MTA Makes a Right Turn: Will it Stay on Course?,” Los Angele Times, Opinion: The State, December 28, 1997, M6.
  40. (first author, with Thomas A. Rubin) “The MTA’s Love of Rail Must Yield to the Reality of More Buses,” Los Angele Times, Opinion: The State, June 15, 1997, M6.
  41. (co-author, with Thomas A. Rubin) “Rail Transit in Los Angeles: A Faustian Bargain? Myths and Realities About Passenger Rail Development,” Public Transportation Institute Journal, (Winter, 1997):  2-10.
  42. (principal author, with Thomas A. Rubin) “Admit Rail Plan Is Dead and Move On,” Los Angeles Times, Metro Section, Commentary: Perspective on the MTA, December 13, 1996, B9.
  43. “Political Economy,” Orange County Register, Commentary, October 29, 1995, 1.
  44. “Get Over This Misguided Love Affair with Trains,” Los Angeles Times, Metro Section, Commentary, March 20, 1995, B5.
  45. “Shift the Spending to Buses,” Los Angeles Times, Metro Section, Commentary, September 7, 1994, B7.
  46. “MTA’s Proposal to Increase Bus Fares,” Los Angeles Times, City Times Section, May 8, 1994, 23.
  47. “Fix the Freeways Before Funding Trains,” Los Angeles Times, California Commentary, January 25, 1994, B7.
  48. “Mobile Home Rent Control,” Orange County Business Journal, Viewpoint, August 30, 1993.
  49. “Market Paths Out of Gridlock. Pollution: Buying and Selling Emissions Credits,” Orange County Register, Commentary:  Transportation, August 2, 1992.
  50. “Cliches Can’t Make Light Rail Transit Succeed,” Los Angeles Daily News, Viewpoint, December 15, 1991.
  51. (principal author, with Peter Gordon) “Blue Line’s First Year,” Los Angeles Times, Letter to the Editor, July 24, 1991.
  52. “Congestion Tolls are Better than Trains,” Los Angeles Daily News, Guest Column, December 2, 1990.
  53. “Lock the Gates and the Castle Crumbles,” Los Angeles Times, California Commentary, February 26, 1990.